The eighth chapter of the Apparel Wax saga brings with it, as always, a multitude of sounds and suggestions. The masked producer always manages to renew himself, bringing something new and special to each record but always remaining faithful to his musical line. APLWAX008 will be released in January and consists of four tracks: the first is a track with a very marked dynamics and is characterized by a solid rhythm section, a bass line that recalls the UK garage, vocal samples and a beautiful harmonic evolution produced by evolving chords. The second track, A2, winks at Jazz and Soul with a production rich in rhythmic virtuosity, keyboard solos and an almost hypnotic vocal loop while the second side starts with B1, which takes us back to an imaginary dancefloor with a powerful beat and airy disco chords. The EP closes with B2 that softens the tones giving a more intimate, classy and deep end, with references to Funk and R&B. In short, an EP that touches many genres while remaining compact as a whole. Another small masterpiece of production and music selection by Apparel Wax.
008 EP is out 01/18/20 on Apparel Music
Artist: Apparel Wax
Title: 008 EP
Label: Apparel Music
Release Date: 2020-01-18
Words of Giuseppe D’Alessandro aka Kisk, Apparel Music owner, Apparel Wax’s project manager and A&R.
Interview with Apparel Wax
1.) Who is Apparel Wax?
Apparel Wax is a vinyl faced anonymous collective born in September 2017. Back then we were tired of the marketing dynamics dictated by the market itself; it was that time where everything was only rotating around the names of the artists and we decided to bring back things to normal, to shift the perspective to the simplest and strongest subject: music. Apparel Wax’s strings are essentially pulled by a collective of unknown artists from all over the world: some of them have already established themselves as the best acts and some of them are young talents. What we try to achieve with Apparel Wax is a constant renewal of sounds and the deeper sense that lies behind the launch of the project is to erase any kind of musical racism, discrimination or distinction. We’re about the music, not about the names. that’s it.
2.) Tell about your new release & record label?
The latest release contains four really different tracks, coming together as one. 008A1 has Deep House influences, while some Jazzy influences take over 008A2. On side B, 008B1, has a bit of a Classic House taste and the EP ends with 008B2, where the bpm decreases with a touch of Funk.
But now let me talk about briefly about Apparel Tronic, our newest and more experimental label. We released our last record in September 2020 which a six hands works between the pianist Deledda, me (Kisk) and SCHiLLiNG who’s the co-founder of the label. Apparel Tronic is surely gonna be the carrier of new sounds, new projects, new artists and hopefully many records in 2021. We’re working really carefully on it, calibrating every release, meticulously choosing every artist. We want Apparel Tronic to be as it should really be for us, and not how people wants it to be. In the meantime we highly suggest to give a listen to our catalogue so far, so let me link below out latest EP.
pre-listen 008 EP
pre-order 008 EP
Listen Spore EP by Deledda & 2KS
3.) Who are your greatest influences ?
A project that has always influenced our free and shared approach is certainly 3Chairs, where Kenny Dixon Jr., Marcellus Pittman, Moodymann, Rick Wilhite and Theo Parrish have released timeless songs such as ‘Dance of Nubia’
The lo-fi wave has been very useful in giving a new interpretation of great songs from the past. One of the key songs in this genre is Kemt’s ‘100 Reasons’.
The French scene in recent years have always thrilled us and have surely been one of the most important ones in the world producing a huge number of super talented producers. Let us mention one above all who in our opinion characterised it: Bellaire.
4.) Please tell us about the electronic scene in Italy. What artists do you love past and present that have inspired and encouraged you and what parties that you love going to have helped your musical evolution.
In Italy the scene is “on pause” as for the whole world at the moment. Talking about my city, Milan, as I said in another interview, There surely is a scene. Younger generations have been immensely influenced by the recent European and American scenes and are trying to recreate their own thing here. Nevertheless the old school DJ scene here in Italy is still a big thing: the biggest players, who built a true scene with their own hands, are not so willing to give their power away. Italian society is all split in different layers which hardly communicate with each other creating many tiny disconnected worlds that carry on spreading their very personal messages, from the positive to the more negative ones. In music this is not a good thing. But there’s always a silver lining as as us Italians are always able to renew ourselves and survive the biggest crisis so I’m sure that something good is on the horizon and we’ll try our best to be amongst the leading ambassadors of this country. We respect many artists of the past such as Claudio Coccoluto, Daniele Baldelli and all the artists that had a true vision instead of the one who just follow momentary trends.
5.) How have you been keeping busy during lockdown?
I’m a family man so I’ve been able to spend some quality time with my wife and daughter. My wife is a primary school teacher so we don’t she’s normally out all day and my daughter Nina, who’s eleven, is growing really fast. The lockdown definitely helped us to put things back into perspective and cherish every second we spent together. I’ve also managed to finish a really important project like the Apparel Music commemorative book and to start working alongside my partner ‘SCHiLLiNG’ on renewing our brand. For us is really important to always think one step in the future keeping intact our nature of artists, label managers, A&R, entrepreneurs etc. The long lockdown brought us some pivotal subjects to think about and we started to work on our future right away.
6.) What else can we expect from Apparel Wax over the next year?
Like I said we’re always trying to bring fresh sounds to the table and one of the biggest and most important things in our job is to always keep the brand updated and strong. One of the things we actually love the most and definitely the challenge we embrace more seriously is thinking of new ways to keep the Apparel world fresh and new. So keep on baring with us for all the news we’ll surely bring you in 2021!
-Apparel Wax