The Austin, TX based, deep house duo of Glass Slipper are at the helm for our latest installment of Hometown Heroes. Consisting of producer Brad Eller and vocalist/songwriter, Lisa Cork-Twiss, these two house-crusaders create exquisite tracks and produce an undeniable vibe when performing live. A chance meeting in The Lone Star State created synergy for pair that has led to exceptional releases for the likes of Moulton Music, Nylon Trax, Subplot Recordings plus upcoming ventures for Gents & Dandy’s and POJI Records.

I got up with the Guy and Gal of Glass Slipper via email for an informal chat to dive deeper into what makes them the perfect fit.






Interview with Glass Slipper

So, tell us your musical history, both individually and together. How did you meet and where did the name Glass Slipper come from?
Lisa was in the Real McCoy from 1996 – 98. Her mother was a musician and songwriter and Lisa grew up singing in the church. She also played in several bands in the Houston, TX scene. Brad first got into House music when he moved to Chicago in the late 90’s, then started DJ’ing upon moving to the SF Bay Area in the 2000’s. The DJ’ing turned into live PA’ing, which turned into studio production. Funny enough, Brad’s barber came up with the name on a whim and it stuck!

Was there an instant creative synergy or did it take moment for you two to find your rhythm? How’s your creative process now?
Our first track, “Surge” came together effortlessly and was signed immediately. We both have strong work ethics so we’re always working on new material. We get together every Sunday for a studio session or rehearsal. Brad lays the tracks and engineers all the recordings while Lisa writes the vocal melodies and handles all the singing.

Can you give us insight to your live shows? What could one expect when they go see Glass Slipper?
When we play live, Brad DJ’s instrumental versions with backing vocals of our original tracks while Lisa sings live. We have the energy of a live performance with the sensibility of a DJ set. You can expect both of us to dance and get sweaty because we fully get into it!

Anything else you care to share with us? Upcoming releases or exciting gigs on the horizon?
We’ll be dropping a new track on POJI Records- complete with a DJ Pope remix- in the next couple weeks, plus a release for Gents & Dandy’s. Then we’ll be performing our live set on August 22 at a party called Conscious Raving, at The Venue in Austin, TX. We’re really excited to play alongside JT Donaldson this fall for Parks & Decks, in San Antonio. And just to put it out there- we’re available for remix work!

Beverage of choice?
Lisa can’t resist a hand-crafted Mexican Martini while Brad is strictly a Topo Chico man.




– rider
Davey Schacherl
Contributing Editor


