Our Kids is a project born in January 2024 in a brick house in the middle of the countryside south of Rome, joined to London by an invisible thread made of memories of past lives. Brit-rock and grunge influences intertwine with indie rock as much as Hypnagogic and noise pop. The result is foggy writing that starts from Blur and flows into Double Virgo, passing via King Krule. The lyrics are dark and introspective, at times bordering on psychedelia.

Starting in June 2024, three singles will be released followed by an EP, part of a long series that will culminate in an album in early 2025.

We wrapped salad up practically in an afternoon, as if we had been thinking about this tune for months and it was just waiting for the moment to find the light. For the first time in a long time we were sure of the direction we were taking with the birth of this new project and this sense of freedom immediately turned into musical inspiration. It all started with the bass riff, then the rest of the track came as a symbiotic partnership of lyrics and guitar lines, one inspiring the other.

The lyrics quickly developed into a kind of collective diary of our group of friends during the two years we lived in London, the 9 of us crammed in a big house on the slopes beneath Telegraph Hill, in the South East. It was an important period of our lives, made up of strong personal bonds and important political discoveries, all of us struggling in our own ways to make sense of where we were going while figuring out how to survive in this endless city.

Stream ‘Salad’ single in full HERE

Follow Our Kids on Bandcamp HERE

