Lovecast 308 comes at ya from Cold Brew Records head-honcho, Alex Rymarz!
A love story of chilling proportions to fit the blizzard coming through Chicago. The mix runs in parallel to Cold Brew Record’s January EP release (The Smell of Sunshine + The Pine Stays Green — still unreleased), as well as Alex’s guest mix syndication on 8day (Montreal) last week.
Cold Brew Records is a label most occupied with embodying simplicity, sophistication, and is serially addicted to story telling. The imprint will mostly serve to surrender the music that Alex creates or curates. There is no overarching principle or philosophy to the style of music and artists that the imprint signs/develops. Most of the approach is heavily analytical/organized, but Alex allows for ample spontaneity and serendipity to leave an impact. The music has to resonate with Rymarz. Cold Brew Records is most simply a group of friends who make music over coffee, and we would like this series to reflect that.
Alex Rymarz will have a radio syndication every other week for 2021, as well as a new track released every other week at the minimum, so keep an eye on his Instagram or Soundcloud for more information.
– jbravo
Juany Bravo
Managing Editor