Graduation day. For most college graduates, the celebration of their scholastic achievements may consist of a family pool party with kisses from long lost aunts and uncles. Others may have one last frat party rager before being thrust into the real world of computer screens and desk jobs. 22 year old Justin Jay on the other hand, is not most college graduates. Jay’s idea of a celebration is a four month cross country tour, and another pounding release on one of California’s elite record labels; Dirtybird.
‘Mom, I Graduated ‘ is the perfect example of Justin Jay’s style, pushing the genre’s boundaries while staying true to the groovy and lighthearted atmosphere of the label. ‘Hit it ‘ starts things off with an earth-shattering kick drum matched with some stretched out vocoder vocals, marching along with deep stabbing piano hits and a half time rhythm. ‘ Rain Dance ‘ turns up the tribal vibe, implementing a jumpy percussion and tweaked out xylophone pattern that build to a massive bass drop that proves Jay can definitely ‘make it rain’.
Artist: Justin Jay
Title: 2015-09-14
Catalog No.: DB126