Prepare to get all the feels from My Friend Dario’s striking new
album ‘ Senza Estate’. Pure emotion from the Sicilian native on
this full length player on Marco Gallerani’s Hel Yeah! We asked
Dario to make us a chart of Balearic songs. Prepare to weep..

Gaussian Curve – Impossible Island

It’s like waiting to go to paradise, and during your journey, you
meet her so you can continue together and find yourselves
sitting on the beach, facing a sunrise that slowly and gently
washes over your still-closed eyes.

Daft Punk – Make Love

Wore out this record on the turntable, a slow dance of love.

Rare Silk – Storm

A sensual song in its rhythm, with a saxophone that introduces
the chorus of voices: “Wind and sea mix thoughts in my brain
Never know if love will remain”

Pedro Ricardo – Tema 2

The first time I heard this track, I was driving up Mount Etna. It
reminded me of all the times love ended, both good and bad.
Despite the melancholic thoughts, that melody ultimately gave
me hope and lifted my spirits.

Resavoir – Sunset

The arp synth sways me and reminds me of those moments
spent with someone when time stood still, silently listening to

СОЮЗ – Song With No Words

I love how it sounds, how it evolves. The edit says so much
without using words. The dynamics are perfect, with the flute
that starts after a minute and leaves you suspended at the end.

Hermanos Gutiérrez – In cerca di ti

We’re lost in the desert, it’s hot, and our vision is blurred by the
intense sun. This song fills me with self-love, reminding me
that it’s not easy to forget someone, but you have to keep

Commont Saints – Dreams

A chapter has ended, but there’s a chance for a new one.
You’ve learned and understood yourself better, but “It’s not all
about you.”

Bonobo – Second Sun

A second chance, an anthem to the love for life, no matter how
it is lived.

My friend Dario – What You Need

This is my first love song; I’ve never written one before. It’s not
easy to listen to it again, but that was exactly the intention: to
leave a memory and express something I couldn’t have said
any other way. No matter how it turns out, I feel like a
fortunate person.


-My Friend Dario

Turn it up & enjoy!


