Before the rising fad of everyone being a DJ and the new bandwagon of women, there were the badass babes who paved their way with talent through a mostly male dominated field to solidify their space in the scene. In late 2007, when Tara put her first needle on a record, she had neither idea nor expectation that her passion for music would soon become her lifelong career. She learned on vinyl using her natural ear for music. Through this route, she escaped into the sounds that helped her discover a new meaning to life. Experiencing magical nights at parties and festivals in Southern California, Tara discovered the power to be moved & touched by underground dance music, causing pure enlightenment. She’s a selftaught DJ who found her destiny, to express creativity through music. Self-taught and self-managed, Tara has grown to be a powerhouse of an artist in the last 7 years and has continued to conquer California and spread her sounds and vibe far beyond. Playing parties everywhere from SF to SD, BPM to Burning Man, and anywhere & everywhere in between, she is synonymous with the most enriching ecstatic elevating vibe that continues to draw people into the sets and worlds she creates. From being Desert Hearts & Subtract Music’s newest resident this year to kicking off the new year with Louie Fresco’s MEXA Records BPM party and the Pink Mammoth Tulum takeover to continuing expanding her vibes down to Costa Rica this winter to play Envision Festival, it’s safe to say her growth is limitless and her talent is endless. Get into her mix and into her mind with some fun interview questions below …
Interview with Tara:
Favorite producer(s) right now?
Proud to say my favorite producers are mostly my very dear friends, Louie Fresco, Hands Free, Jon Charnis, Gabriel I, Nico Stojan, Silky, Andre Salmon
Favorite food?
Party you’re most stoked for coming up?