Sleazy Beats Recordings established themselves as a go-to label for sample-heavy, groove-laden house flavors way back in 2009 when they launched with their inau...
Sleazy Beats releases the next installment of one of my favorite podcast series, Music for Serious Jogging. As the first MFSJ mix of 2012, Vol. 6 includes ...
Sleazy Beats releases the fifth volume of their famed "Music for Serious Jogging" series (of which the fourth volume is still in rotation in my playlists), by ...
Yet another sexy disco mixtape from the Sleazy Beats camp by Kris Percy called Lascivious Manoeuvers. I love the mix description from soundcloud - "Loose Disco...
Sleazy Beats puts out Volume 4 of the 'Music for Serious Jogging' Series including an amazing track list (many forthcoming releases and some great available mu...
Take a listen to Sleazy Beats Recordings' guestmix done by Kris Percy for the famed Isodisco Blog out of Belfast! Truly enjoying this mix from "...quite possib...