Nestled in the city of Cantil, Califronia, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the Love Circle Movement family are about to light up the Mojave Desert...
The Summer Sol compilation brings together a global family of like-minded producers, all striving to move hearts, minds, and bodies with original music that dr...
Since re-launching the label earlier this year, Sol Selectas Records has been firmly establishing itself as a major player in the game putting out some serious...
For over two decades, Moontribe has been a staple outdoor gathering for LA ravers -- sprouting up only when the moon is full and lighting up the night sky. Sixt...
Photo Credit: Galen Oakes
This November, we headed out to the dusty forest to celebrate the unbelievable accomplishments the Desert Hearts boys have achieved i...
Fresh off the playa full of dusty dreams, magical energy, vibrant souls, and overflowing hearts, we bring you the perfect mix to get lost in lucid dreams from ...
Coming across a gathering that beats with a pure, genuine heart is a rare blessing. For the many house heads of the cosmos who journey off beaten paths, search...
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